: Downloads and installs a ZIP R package Binary (for Windows).install.npptor: Downloads and installs NppToR for windows.install.notepadpp: Downloads and installs Notepad++ for windows.install.nodejs: Downloads and installs nodejs LTS or Current.install.MikTeX: Downloads and installs MikTeX for windows.install.LyX: Downloads and installs LyX for windows.install.LaTeX2RTF: Downloads and installs LaTeX2RTF for windows.install.java: Install Java - downloads and set path openjdk.install.inno: Downloads and installs Inno Setup.install.ImageMagick: Downloads and installs ImageMagick for windows.install.GraphicsMagick: Downloads and installs GraphicsMagick for windows.install.GitHub: Downloads and installs GitHub for windows.install.git: Downloads and installs git and git-gui for windows.install.FFmpeg: Downloads and installs FFmpeg for windows.install.Cygwin: Downloads and installs Cygwin for windows.install.CMake: Downloads and installs CMake for windows.

install.7zip: Downloads and installs 7-Zip for windows.get_tasklist: Get the running processes in windows task manager.get_Rscript_PID: Get the running "Rscript" processes PID.get_pid: Find the pid of a process by name.get_latest_r_version: Fetches latest R version from CRAN..folders: Returns folder names with R installations.